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Kanat Sultanbekov New York- 3 Construction Site Safety Tips For Winter 

Construction workers brave the cold winter months to ensure their projects are completed in time. Managers on the site take the onus to ensure everyone on the team stays protected from the harsh winds, snow, and ice. They need to keep track of weather reports to protect the construction work and team from blizzards and storms that often cause havoc on the construction sites.

Kanat Sultanbekov New York keeping your workers safe on construction sites 

Kanat Sultanbekov is an esteemed and widely respected construction project manager from New York with an outstanding track record of completing his projects on time. He is a good team leader and lays emphasis on the safety and quality standards of all the projects he has undertaken in the past. According to him, the winter months are challenging for construction workers, especially in places where there are a lot of storms, ice, cold winds, and blizzards.

According to Kanat Sultanbekov New York, construction sites are breeding grounds for slips and falls. Workers need to be extra careful, and so safety-training programs must be imparted to them on a regular basis. Staying informed about the potential risks during the winter months will keep everyone and others safe on the site successfully.

Three safety tips for construction managers to remember 

The construction site should be cleaned of ice and snow before the work starts for the day. Heavy machinery and power tools should be checked before usage. Defective devices should be avoided as they might cause accidents on the site. If heavy machines need to be used for construction work, the operator should check the controls of the device to ensure they are functioning correctly.

The rear and front mirrors should be cleaned from moisture to check whether any worker is nearby. There should be a safe distance between the machine and the rest of the workers so that mishaps and accidents do not take place. The area must be cordoned off to protect pedestrians and other workers on the site who might get too close to the machine while it works on the site.

Clean the site

After a storm or harsh winds, the construction site should be cleaned. Debris and sharp objects that might cause punctures in the skin should be removed from the site. The construction manager should inspect the area before the tasks for the day started.

Give breaks to workers

If workers need a break or a fatigued on the site, there should be a clean and dry place where they can rest for a while. The site should have adequate provisions for clean water and a private space for changing clothes in case they get wet during the course of work. The area for the workers should have a heater for them to keep their bodies warm, especially when the temperature in the region is freezing.

In the opinion of Kanat Sultanbekov New York, these three winter tips for construction workers are essential for the successful completion of the project in time. If any worker falls ill, he should not report for duties, especially in regions where the cases of Coronavirus infections are high. Workers should maintain social distancing and wear the proper PPE gear always to stay protected on the project site.

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